Thermal Health Scan For Breast Cancer Detection
Breast Thermography is a 15 minute non-invasive test of physiology, showing thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early stage breast disease.
All women can benefit from breast thermography screening. However, it is especially appropriate for younger women (13 – 40) whose denser breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to be effective. Also for women of all ages who, for many reasons (i.e. breast implants), are unable to undergo routine mammography. This test can provide a ‘clinical marker’ to the doctor or mammographer that a specific area of the breast needs particularly close examination.
It takes years for a tumor to grow thus the earliest possible indication of abnormality is needed to allow for the earliest possible treatment and intervention. Thermography’s role in monitoring breast health is to help in early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology. Thermography can detect active breast disease 8 – 10 years before a mammogram.

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Thermography can also detect abnormal activity outside the area of the breast scanned during mammography. There are often abnormal lymph, brachial (arm or armpit area) thyroid and carotid artery conditions which a mammogram cannot detect. These can be valuable indications of early breast disease allowing for early treatment.
In addition, some breast diseases such as Inflammatory Breast Disease which can be detected by thermography do not show up on a mammogram. This is an aggressive disease which makes early detection vital.
Breast cancers tend to grow significantly faster in younger women under the age of 50.
Thermography can detect the subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology, whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease. Your doctor can then plan accordingly and lay out a careful program to further diagnose and /or MONITOR you during and after any treatment.
Thermography is a painless, non-invasive, state of the art clinical test without any exposure to radiation and is used as part of an early detection program which gives women of all ages the opportunity to increase their chances of detecting breast disease at an early stage. It is particularly useful for women under 50 where mammography is less effective.
Women under the age of 40 years have a 1 in 69 chance of developing breast cancer, which accounts for 5% of women under the age of 40 years. It is vital that every woman be aware of their personal risk factors.
Warning Signs of Breast Cancer
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So what factors could increase your risk of developing breast cancer?
- Lifestyle risk factors that could increase your risk: consuming alcohol, smoking or exposure to harmful chemicals, not exercising, being overweight, poor diet.
- If you have a personal history of breast cancer and are under the age of 40 years
- If they have done a biopsy and found a high risk lesion
- If there is a history of breast cancer in your family – especially at a young age
- If there is a genetic syndrome in the family history that may increase your risk (anyone under 50 years diagnosed with breast cancer, ovarian cancer, either triple negative or bilateral breast cancer, male breast cancer, pancreatic cancer or metastatic prostate cancer)
- If you have had radiation therapy to the chest