Do you think you have food intolerances? Don’t guess, test.
Our Nurtismart* rapid food intolerance test is able to test for 57 of the most common foods and deliver results with an unparalleled speed and precision.
Only Available in Centurion
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Are you experiencing migraines, constipation or skin rashes? Do you suspect you might have an intolerance?
We have noticed a marked increase in the number of people showing adverse reactions to different foods within their diet –
generally known as food intolerance.
Symptoms associated with food intolerances include but are not limited to:
Stomach Ache
Runny Nose
Weight Gain
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Book your Food Intolerance Test Today!
The Nurtismart rapid test is able to test for 57 of the most common foods and deliver results with an unparalleled speed and precision.

Food intolerance Vs Food Allergies
There are numerous other structural abnormalities as well as bacterial overgrowth or parasitic infections which may contribute to or aggravate food intolerance reactions to specific foods. In the absence of any of the above-mentioned issues, specific foods contain…
Food Intolerance Test
We have noticed a marked increase in the number of people showing adverse reactions to different foods within their diet – generally known as food intolerance.
Symptoms may consist of a combination of bloating, headache, fatigue, diarrhoea, irritable bowel and other digestive and dermatology related conditions.
It is estimated that in developed countries roughly 1 in 2 people suffer from a symptom related to food intolerance. Furthermore, food intolerance symptoms are gradually impacting more serious lifestyle diseases that are generally overlooked due to difficulties in diagnosis. Increased awareness among the general population regarding health and nutrition has increased the interest in understanding food intolerances.
There are many varied symptoms of food intolerance which could appear within a few hours or several days after the consumption of the food. This is what makes it difficult for the healthcare practitioner and the patient to identify which food or foods are responsible for the symptoms. Hence, the need for a quick diagnostic tool that can identify foods causing these adverse reactions and aid the healthcare practitioner finding therapeutic options (e.g. a 1- or 2-month elimination diet) to alleviate the patient’s symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to treat symptoms associated with food intolerances?
The first step to treating food intolerances is to identify which foods you are sensitive to. This can be done via a food intolerance test. These foods should then be avoided for several weeks to months and then reintroduced in a specific manner as part of a food elimination diet. Healing the gut with a gut cleanse diet, insures that toxic food reactions due to leaky gut syndrome is also addressed and eliminates chronic gut inflammation which further exacerbates food intolerances and food allergies.
What is a food Intolerance test?
There are various tests available to identify food intolerances. The Nutrismart food intolerance rapid test is based on an IgG4 reaction to food substances. It tests 56 of the most common food allergens with 1 drop of blood and you will have your results within 24 hours.